Tokugawa Premises is a Ryotei, a type of traditional Japanese restaurant, located in Shizuoka. Despite its convenient location, every time you step inside, you are greeted with a view of a magnificent Japanese garden. There is a partner hotel next to the venue for those who need the accommodation.

While this venue is recommended for those who wish to have a purely Japanese-style wedding ceremony with a focus on Japanese food, it is of course possible to wear a wedding dress.
The vendors are mostly in exclusive of the venue or, to be paid a bring-in fee.

Where is Shizuoka?
Shizuoka Prefecture is located on Japan’s Pacific Ocean coast. The famous Mount Fuji is partially located in Shizuoka Prefecture on the border with Yamanashi Prefecture. From Tokyo to Shizuoka, it takes 1 hour by Shinkansen (bullet train) Hikari, while 1 hour and 20 minutes by Shinkansen Kodama.